





With the development of the Internet, music, as an important form of cultural entertainment, has attracted the attention and love of more and more users. However, there are some problems in traditional music playback platforms, such as poor user experience, imperfect functions, and cumbersome management. Therefore, the development of this system is particularly necessary. It aims to solve these problems by using modern technology, and provide a music platform with complete functions and excellent user experience to meet the needs of users for listening to songs online, managing playlists, and commenting on music.

The technologies used in this system include Vue framework, Spring Boot back-end framework and IDEA development tools, etc. Users can easily search, play and collect their favorite songs in the system, and at the same time manage their personal song lists and favorite lists through the login registration function. Users can also easily download songs locally for offline listening. In addition, users can comment on and interact with songs in the system, share their music preferences with other users. The background management system also provides convenient functions such as music upload and comment management, which is convenient for administrators to effectively manage and maintain music resources and user comments. After full testing and verification, the system has achieved excellent test results, providing users with excellent music playback and management experience, and fully meeting the needs of users for music platforms.

Key words: music platform; Vue framework; SSM framework

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